This post is part of the #2022wotylinkparty
Happy 2022!
Yes I know, I’m a little late but the start to my New Year was delayed with a major house move. However, I did celebrate the start of the New Year by picking a Word of the Year.
Picking a word for the year is a fairly new trend to replace the usual January 1st resolutions. New Year resolutions are usually forgotten or abandoned by the end of January. The idea behind a word of the year is to be a gentle reminder and guide for your goals and intentions for the whole of the year.
Whenever you are faced with a decision or you need some motivation to take action towards your goals, think about your word of the year. Are you living up to your word and what it means to you?
I have adopted the WOTY tool for the last few years. My previous words have been Action, Focus and Abundance. These words helped me to take action to start my blog, focus on moving to Australia and look for abundance in my everyday life in a new environment.
I started 2022 thinking that I was going to adopt the word Self. When I wrote out the permutations of the meanings for the word self, they did seem to resonate but not 100%. So I took part in a WOTY mediation (sorry if this sounds a bit woo woo, but mediation is a powerful tool). At first the word that came up for me was ‘light’ but then this morphed into ‘Vision‘.
After the mediation I thought ‘vision’ just couldn’t be right. It really isn’t a word that I feel any resonance with. But after I googled some meanings, I began to think that maybe this word is meant for me this year.
- Vision of oneself or for oneself
- the ability to see – sight or eyesight
- something you see or dream as part religious or supernatural experience
- something seen in a dream, trance or escstasy, especially a supernatural appearance that conveys a revelation
- a thought, concept or object formed by the imagination
- a manifestation to the senses of something immaterial
- the act or power of imagination, unusual discernment or foresight.
- direct mystical awareness of the supernatural in visible form.
Now I have to admit that many of these meanings for Vision feel far to woo woo for me, but I’ve decided to adopt the word Vision for this year and keep an open mind as to where it directs and leads me.
I do know I want to work on my vision of myself. That was why I was drawn to the word ‘self’ originally. I feel that as we transition into midlife, there is a need to rediscover who we are and what we desire and want from life.
I’m also aware that I should be checking on my eye health. My eye sight is definitely changing, so I need to make sure I get some regular check ups.
For the other meanings, I’m just going to wait and see what unfurls. I know I want to reconnect with my creativity and so some of the meanings about dreams and imagination may connect with that desire.
I also want to grow and develop my blog. My vision for the blog is to ‘help midlife women who feel stuck to rediscover themselves and learn to take care of themselves’. Again, the word vision will hopefully keep me to this goal everytime I sit down to write.
To help keep me on track with my word of the year, I have joined up with the #2022wotylinkparty. Again this is run by four wonderful Midlife bloggers who are helping me to stay accountable with my blogging. You can check out their blogs below:
Donna from Retirement Reflections
Sue from Women Living Well after 50
Drop me a comment below and let me know if you have a word for the year.
Also check out all the other great word of the year posts in the link party HERE

Pingback: Word of the Year 2023 - New Leaf Health and Wellbeing
Pingback: A Vision for Creativity - New Leaf Health and Wellbeing
Pingback: Vision for designing Midlife - New Leaf Health and Wellbeing
Pingback: Vision of a limiting belief - New Leaf Health and Wellbeing
Pingback: Moving Forward with Vision- March 2022 #WOTY update - New Leaf Health and Wellbeing
Hello Janine and welcome to the party. I think Vision is a great choice, and I love how you came to it…a mix of intuition and research. I look forward to seeing where a focus on Vision takes you over the year.
Hi Christie, my apologies for the delay in replying to your comment – I somehow missed it, so sorry!. Thank you including me in the Link party. Hopefully I can keep my vision consistent to keep blogging regularly although I do find I allow life events to get in the way a lot. thank you for taking time to read my post x Janine
Hi, Janine – Thank you for joining us in this WOTY LinkUp. The multiple meanings for ‘Vision’ are very thought-provoking. I love your explanation of some of the ways that you would like this word to help guide you.
I look forward to following to see how your WOTY unfolds.
Hi Donna, thank you for reading my post and also for really motivating me to get blogging. Your regular deadlines for the link up parties help to focus my mind and stop me procrastinating! X