book review November 2022

Book Review November 2022

Book Review November 2022 is part of the #What’sonyourBookshelfchallenge

Hello everybody, I hope you are all keeping well. 

Is it just me or did the end of October and this half of November fly by?

Life has been hectic again so I haven’t got as much reading done as I would have liked but I have a couple of book reviews to share for November. 

I did manage to squeeze in a trip to our local arts centre to watch the play Jane Eyre, based on the novel by Charlotte Bronte.  I can’t actually remember the last time I saw a play in person!

Jane Eyre


Whilst the premise of the story and period setting and costumes were adhered to, the interpretation and performance had been modernised.  I enjoyed the clever addition of pyrotecnic’s on stage but there was also much singing and playing of piano!  I guess maybe I’m a bit ‘old school’ but I felt the singing detracted from the atmosphere of the story and made me feel like I was watching Australia’s Got Talent.  But that’s just my personal view, and overall the play was well executed considering they had a very small cast.   

As I attended a mid week morning performance there were several high schools and university students in attendance.  It was quite amusing that some of them obviously had not read the book prior to the performance.  If you haven’t read it either then Spoiler Alert !!!  Don’t read the next sentence.  Many of the younger members of the audience got very excited at the development of romance half way through the play,  not aware of the twists and turns that were to come!  There was a lot of ooh and ahhing mainly from the girls 🙂

I have to say it was really lovely to get out and see a live performance of a play again and it helped me escape the rain for the morning. 


arts center gold coast

Podcast Recommendation: 

I have to give a shout out to Sophie Hansen’s newsletter – 5 things to be Cheerful About on Monday.  Sophie sends out a very lovely email on a Monday morning with interesting links to recipes and articles that she has discovered. 

Through one of her recommendations I listened to Adam Buxton’s podcast interview with Richard E Grant.  It was a rather cheeky, humourous but also sad conversation with Richard who is grieving the loss of his wife and soul mate who died in 2021.  Richard has a new memoir out discussing how he coped with his wife’s illness and his grief.  He is touring to promote his book and is coming to Brisbane at the end of November but unfortunately I will be away.  I did however purchase his book so I will drop you a review in due course.  

Thanks to the following bloggers for allowing me to take part in the #Whatsonyourbookshelf challenge.  

Deb from Deb’s World

Jo from AndAnyways

Donna from Retirement Reflections

Sue from Women Living Well after 50

Please following the link here to check out the other book reviews in this challenge.

The Torrent – Dinuka McKenzie (fiction)

The Torrent Dinuka McKenzie


This is the debut novel by Dinuka, a new Australian writer.   I was intrigued by the storyline:  After recent flooding a body is found in flood waters.  Is it the result of a tragic accident or has someone seen an opportunity to commit a murder with the perfect way to dispose of the body?  

In addition to the body found in flood waters, Detective Kate Miles is also charged with investigating a violent hold-up at a local fast-food restuarant, which stirs unsettling links to her own past.   With Kate heavily pregnant and a week away from maternity leave, how far is she prepared to push to discover the truth?

I loved that there were two cases running concurrently which kept you guessing as to whether they could be linked or not.  I also enjoyed having a lead character torn by her own preganancy and family commitments and the pressure of her job.   The setting for the story was just over the border from where I live, so many of the place names were familiar.  For those of you in the UK watching I’m A Celebrity, the setting is not far from where the camp in the rainforest is.  

Overall I really enjoyed this book, it was well written with a good story line.  I look forward to reading her next novel. 

The Orphans – Fiona McIntosh  (fiction)

The Orphans Fiona McIntosh

 As I mentioned in my last book review here,  I recently attended a talk by Fiona McIntosh on this book.  I loved hearing about how she researched and formulated the ideas for the book.

The story follows orphan Fleur Appleby,  who begins her young life enjoying a happy family enviroment when she is adopted by a undertaker and his wife.   Fleur has a natural affinity for helping bereaved families who attend the undertaker’s business. 

Tom Catchlove experiences a different life, bought up in the outback of the Flinders Ranges.  His father is often away for weeks at a time but his mother is loving and caring, spending hours each day teaching Tom all she knows.  

Fate brings Tom and Fleur together as youngsters but then their paths diverge until they meet again in Adelaide many years later.   Huge obstacles stand in the way of Tom and Fleur’s lives including a murder investigation.

The writing in this book describing the places where Tom and Fleur grow up is beautiful.  The book also provides a well researched window into the early life of the Australian Outback and Adelaide.  The characters are all believable and the story has good pace.  I did enjoy the story but felt it was more of a love story (not sure Fiona McIntosh would agree though)  which isn’t my usual preference.  

Overall though, this was a really enjoyable read, very immersive, well written and well researched. 

 Right that’s it from me this month – Next stop Christmas!

Drop me a comment below, and do let me know what you’ve been reading this month. I love hearing about good books! 

If you missed my last book review you can catch up here 

Book Review November 2022

7 thoughts on “Book Review November 2022”

  1. Pingback: Book Reviews June 2024 - New Leaf Health and Wellbeing

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  4. Hi Janine, I’m very keen to read The Torrent as it sounds like a great story and I was born in the area where it is set (I think from your description and The I’m a Celebrity Get me Out of Here reference). I’m going to look for it now. I also saw that Jane Eyre performance with Sue when I was up in Brisbane back in June/July and I loved it as we’d just read all the Bronte books for our online bookclub. So glad you got to see it! Thanks again for joining us and I always enjoy seeing what you have to recommend 🙂

    1. Hi Deb – The Torrent is set around Murwillambah and Tweed Heads. I really enjoyed it so I hope you do to. It was really fun to go and see a live performance again – I must get round to booking some more. Thank you for your kind comments and for letting me join in the link up. X

  5. I look forward to Sophie Hansen’s newsletter every Monday morning, and that podcast sounds like a good one – I do like Richard E Grant. After reading this I’ve just placed a reservation on The Torrent from the local library. Thanks for linking up!

    1. I think it was you who directed me to Sophie Hansen, so thank you. Her emails are always interesting and inspirational. Richard E Grant is at QPAC (I think) on 28th November. I was tempted to go then realised I’m away. I hope you enjoy The Torrent. Thanks for letting me join in the link up x

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