food diary march 22

Food Diary March 2022

My food diary for March is part of the #whatsonyourplate link party.

Hello everybody,

I’m trying out another blogging link party – the “What’s on your plate” link up.

I’m going to test out sharing with you what I’ve been eating and creating each month.  I’d love your feed back on whether you find this helpful/interesting.

So, first up at the beginning of March I shared my latest new recipe – Pear Almond and Raspberry Overnight Oats.  

pear almond raspberry overnight oats

I really think that breakfast is my favourite meal of the day at the moment.  This may be partly because I try to make sure I’m intermittent fasting from 7pm through till 7am.   By breakfast time I’m feeling pretty hungry and looking forward to something really tasty and filling.  That’s why overnight oats hit the spot – nutritional, satisfying and can be adapted in so many different ways.  

I’ve also been making sure I stick to meal planning, to help keep me organised and take away that nightly stress of what’s for dinner!. 

Here’s my meal plans for the last month to help provide you with some inspiration if you want to take up this helpful, healthy habit.  Don’t forget you can download my free meal planning guide HERE

This Month’s Meal Plans:

Other food news:


banana and greek yogurt breakfast

Whenever the rain stopped, and there was a lot of rain in March, I took my breakfast outside to the balcony.  This was mashed banana mixed with Greek yogurt with grapes and seeds.  My new found friend was looking eagerly at the seeds! 

quicheI also made a cheese and tomato quiche for a share a plate lunch at my local pottery class.  I love how everyone brings along something different but somehow it all seems to work.  We had a wonderful feast after a creative morning of clay work. 


The day was made even more delightful by a visit in the afternoon from my son and his girlfriend.  They bought strawberry cheesecake with them!!!  Apparently it was from The Cheesecake Factory and unfortunately tasted pretty good!  This meant I was tempted to keep eating it.  

strawberry cheesecake


My final food offering for this month is a light lunch out at our favourite cafe.  The downside with the cafe is that it is right next to a shopping mall, and has no views at all.  However, what it lacks in views it more than makes up with through the food on offer.  Every time we go the food is always consistently good which is an amazing feat when there are chefs working different shifts etc.  

I went for a sweet chilli chicken and avocado toasted sandwich – delish!  My coffee looks like it has a sad emojji on it but I was very happy!  Shout out to Substance Espresso


chicken toastie

Have a wonderful April.  No doubt next month I shall be sharing rather too much chocolately type foods!

Don’t forget to check out the other great blog posts in this link up party HERE

Thanks to the following ladies for inspiring me to keep blogging:

Deb @ The Widow Baddass 

Donna @ Retirement Reflections


food diary March 2022

4 thoughts on “Food Diary March 2022”

  1. How did I miss this post??? I’ve recently begun meal planning – weekdays only so I can give myself the illusion of not being too constrained. It’s becoming quite the habit and a way of ensuring we’re trying at least something different each week.

    1. I’m so glad you are enjoying the benefits of meal planning. I find it an absolute life saver. Whilst I usually plan meals for the whole week, I don’t always stick to them. Who knows what lovely invite out, lunch out or spontaneous fish and chips might occur! But I least I know I always have a Plan B.

  2. Thank you so much for joining us at What’s On Your Plate. I am very impressed by your Meal Planning. Your meals sound varied, healthy and delicious. I especially love the looks of your Cheese and Tomato Quiche. Are you willing to share that recipe?

    1. Hi Donna, thank you for your kind comments. As I love food I do like to keep my meals as varied as possible. To be honest I don’t have a formal recipe for my quiche – it’s a bit of a throw it together affair but basically make a pastry base. I sometimes cheat and use ready made frozen sheets of pastry. Line your dish with the pastry and prick the base of the pastry with a fork. Bake in the oven (approx 200C/392F) for a about 10 mins to precook the pastry to help avoid a soggy bottom! Whist the pastry is cooking, saute about a half to 1 finely chopped red onion, until softened. When the pastry case is ready, remove from the oven. Arrange the onion over the pastry base, then sprinkle over good handfulls of grated cheddar cheese. Arrange some sliced tomatoes over the top – on this occasion I used cherry tomatoes. In a jug measure out 3/4 pint/425ml of milk and add 3 large eggs. Beat well. Add some salt and pepper to taste. Pour this mixture over the other ingredients. Remembering the pastry pan is probably still hot – don’t burn your hands!, place the quiche back into the oven and bake for about 30 minutes or until the quiche is set, risen and slightly brown.

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