Easter Simnel Cake is part of the #whatsonyourplate link party.
Hello everybody,
Wishing you all a very Happy Easter!
I’ve just been in my kitchen baking my Easter Simnel Cake and it occurred to me that I haven’t shared this recipe with you yet, so below you will find my Easter Simnel Cake recipe. It’s for quite a small cake so if you need to feed a large gathering you can double the quatities to make a larger cake.
I’m a little late getting it all ready so I’m not sure how this one will turn out but last years was a success. Just note that it is best to soak the fruit the night before if you can.
Traditional Simnel Cake usually has a layer of marzipan in the middle of the cake but I have omitted this in my cake, because not everyone likes marzipan. I just decorate the top with marzipan so those who don’t like it can remove it.
The balls of marzipan on the top are to represent the disciples of Jesus. The tradition is therefore to have eleven balls and not include Judas.
If you are very fancy you can use a cook’s blow torch on the marzipan to give it a brown, golden coating.
Do you usually have a big celebration for Easter?
I’m not into the religious side of the Easter celebrations but the kids love receiving eggs and I usually prepare a few special meals.
Tonight for Good Friday, the grown ups will have fish pie and then on Easter Sunday I plan to have a charcuterie board followed by Roast Pork, poached salmon parcels, roast potatoes and vegetables, plus I’m sure the kids will request Yorkshire puddings. A weird combination I know but it keeps everyone happy.
Dessert will be a choice between chocolate and raspberry roulade or lemon tart.
Anyhow, check out my Easter Simnel Cake recipe below and let me know what special foods you enjoy at Easter.
Have a wonderful Easter!
If you want to make sure you never miss a recipe sign up for my newsletter HERE
Don’t forget to check out the other great blog posts in this link up party HERE
Thanks to the following ladies for sharing this link party and inspiring me to keep blogging:
Donna @ Retirement Reflections
P.S. If you are looking for a chocolate treat have you tried my Chocolate Mocha and Coconut Bliss Balls or Orange and Apricot Chocolate Truffles?

Easter Simnel Cake
- 1 large mixing bowl
- 1 round baking tin 20cms
- 140 g sultanas
- 50 g cranberries
- 1 lemon juiced and zested
- 25 ml fresh orange juice
- 115 g soft butter
- 2 medium eggs
- 115 g Self raising flour
- 115 g soft light brown sugar
- 1 tsp mixed spice
- 250 g yellow marzipan
- 1 tbsp apricot jam
- Place sultanas, cranberries, lemon juice and zest and orange juice in a bowl. Mix well, cover and leave to soak overnight
- Heat oven 150C/130C fan/Gas 2. Line base and sides of 20cm round cake tin with baking parchment.
- Add rest of ingredients to soaked fruit and stir well to combine. Spoon into prepared tin.
- Bake for 1 hour until brown, well risen and firm to the touch. A knife/skewer inserted in the middle should come out clean.
- Allow to cool for 20 minutes in the tin before turning out onto a wire rack to cool.
- To decorate: Roll out enough marzipan to cover the top of the cake. Warm the apricot jam in the microwave for 10-20 seconds. Spread over the top of the cake then firmly press the marzipan on to the top of the cake.
- Add 11 balls of marzipan around the edge of the cake. Add any extra Easter themed decorations if desired i.e. small chocolate eggs.

I’ve never made a Simnel cake but yours looks great. We do the special roast lamb dinner on Easter Sunday, but the chocolate thing has never been big in our house.
It’s really just a light fruit cake but disappeared quickly and is a nice alternative to the chocolate. You did very well to avoid chocolate not being a big thing at Easter.