Meal plans

Ideas and inspiration for your family meal plans

5 Quick tricks to help you eat less and this week’s meal plan

  ** This post contains affiliate links – As an Amazon associate I earn a commission from qualifying purchases. You are not charged any more for your purchases** 5 Quick tricks to help you eat less Over the summer my food intake has certainly increased.  All those little treats you allow yourself because “you’re on […]

5 Quick tricks to help you eat less and this week’s meal plan Read More »

fibre and fruit loaf recipe

Fibre, a super fibre fruit loaf recipe & this week’s meal plan

**Please note that this post contains affiliate links.  As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases**   Hello Everybody, I hope you’ve had a great week and relaxing weekend. This week I want to talk about:- Fibre If you’re of a certain age like me, then you might remember the food fad of the 80’s and 90’s was

Fibre, a super fibre fruit loaf recipe & this week’s meal plan Read More »

healthy eating holiday tips

6 Healthy eating holiday tips and this week’s meal plan

6 Healthy eating holiday tips I absolutely love holidays.  They’re a great time to relax, enjoy time with loved ones, explore new places and enjoy food!!! When on holiday though,  the last thing you want to do is restrict what you eat and drink.   However, I believe that by making a few simple little tweaks

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my school morning routine

My school morning routine and this week’s meal plan

My School Morning Routine One of the biggest obstacles to eating healthy is usually time.  Many families in the UK sacrifice breakfast because they say they just don’t have time. Dutch kids are some of the happiest in the world and research has concluded that one of the reasons is because they have a family breakfast together. Now, I

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6 life lessons from an A-ha concert and this week's meal plan

6 life lessons learnt from an A-ha concert and this week’s meal plan

  Hello Everybody, Are you intrigued?  What life lessons could I possibly learn from an A-ha concert? 6 life lessons learnt from an A-ha concert Well, I love people watching, so standing for five hours surrounded by a crowd of people gave me an opportunity to observe life and come to these six conclusions:- Life lesson No 1

6 life lessons learnt from an A-ha concert and this week’s meal plan Read More »
