Have you set New Year’s resolutions?
I know we are almost halfway through January, but for the last few years, I have taken steps to ease slowly into the New Year. I prefer to take my time deciding on my word of the year and my intentions for each month.
I use the word I pick to help focus my overall intention for the year instead of setting a rigid list of tasks and goals that usually fail when I hit an obstacle.
Previous words have been Action, Focus, Abundance, Vision, Create, Memories.
Last year’s word was Memories. I didn’t write many blog posts on how this word influenced my year, but it was working silently in the background. I used it to focus my intention on making memories with my family and making sure I recorded them.
I have begun making photo books from my phone photos (I used the app Journi) to make it much easier to look back on our holidays.
I’ve also been writing a journal/diary to remind me of memories and ideas.
This year I have decided on the word ……..
Have I set John Lennon’s song off in your mind? Sorry!
Why have I chosen Imagine as my word of the year?
I like the energy I get from the word:
- Joyful
- Anything is possible
- Expansive
How do I want to apply this word to my life?
To imagine what is truly possible for me to achieve, to follow my dreams by listening to my imagination, to be happy in everything I imagine for my life, to take action to achieve my dreams and have faith in my abilities, I can achieve anything I imagine this year.
The dictionary description of Imagine:
- form a mental image or concept of,
- believe something (unreal or untrue) to exist to be so or to think of or create (something that is not real) in your mind (i.e. a writer imagining an entire world)
- suppose or assume
Some synonyms of imagine:
- Conceive
- Envisage
- Envision
- Fancy
- Realise
- Think
These words all add to the general theme and intention I want to develop around the word imagine this year.
A little wander around the internet also categorised the word imagine as a powerful word that expand’s everyone’s idea of what is possible – it opens up opportunities.
Scientifically, when you imagine, the brain attempts to simulate responses that would occur if these situations actually happened. For example, if I asked you to imagine biting into a lemon slice, your brain would begin to replicate the responses that would occur if you actually did bite a lemon, such as the release of saliva and the anticipation of the smell.
A quirky side note:
People who cannot conjure an image or object in their minds are said to suffer from ophantasia.
So that’s my word for the year – imagine.
I will endeavour to update you on how it determines my year.
Let me know in the comments if you have chosen a word for the year and if you feel like sharing it with everyone, please do.
By the way, if you would like regular updates from me, you can sign up for my newsletter here HERE

One of my favourite words… I had it a couple of years ago. Looking forward to seeing what you do with it.
Oh interesting- did you blog about your journey with imagine?
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