motivational tips for healthy goals

12 Motivational Tips to help you achieve your healthy goals


motivational tips for healthy goals

Wow, we’re rapidly heading to the end of January.  How did that happen?  Are you still sticking to your New Year Resolutions or have you lost your motivation on the cold winds of winter?

Here are 12 Motivational Tips to help get your mojo flowing again

  1. Focusing on whether you should do a paleo, vegan, keto etc diet is not relevant when you are starting out.  Just focus on simple, doable changes that you can make every day and build on with time, i.e. move more, eat smaller portion sizes, cut back on processed foods and alcohol, try to sleep better and drink more water.  Trying to radically change your lifestyle overnight will only lead to overwhelm and probably failure.  Just start with small, simple, doable actions.
  2. To make changes you have to take action consistently.  Just stick to making your simple changes, but do them every single day.  If you do have a wobble and miss a day, don’t give up.  Tomorrow, just go back to doing your simple steps.  Remember, imperfect action still counts.  So, if you don’t feel like doing a run today, then just go for a walk instead.  This will still count towards your overall goal of getting fitter.
  3. Don’t try to do it all on your own.  Find a buddy/friend/family member or a professional who can help keep you accountable, provide support and information.  Whenever we try to change habits, we will hit obstacles.  That’s when you need help the most.  Don’t be afraid to ask for it.  Most people love to help others.
  4. Who you surround yourself with matters.  Unfortunately, when we want to make changes to our lifestyle, if our partners, family or friends aren’t on board then they can undermine your determination and willpower.  Try to explain to them how important this is to you and that you would really appreciate their help.
  5. Don’t buy or think there is a ‘quick fix’ solution to getting healthy.  Unfortunately, it does take time to master new habits but once you do they will be much easier to stick to for the rest of your life.  Crash diets and magic pills never work in the long term and you will end up where you started, usually worse off financially and health wise.
  6. Remember YOU ARE UNIQUE.  The methods/exercise that worked for your friend or the latest celebrity may well not work for you and your lifestyle.  Don’t be afraid to swap and change your eating or exercise plan over time to make them work for you.
  7. Be realistic! – You don’t have to look like a model or a fitness pro to be a healthier YOU.  Just work on making yourself FEEL better and not on how you look to others.
  8. Don’t compare yourself to others and their health journeys.  We are all different and unique.  You need to find methods that work for you.  The person you are comparing yourself too, may have had enormous struggles or still be struggling.  Most people hide what’s really going on in their lives.
  9. Tell yourself that you can do this!  Everyone can make changes to their lives but we have to believe we can do it.  If you think you may have a mindset issue i.e. you don’t feel worthy enough to be slimmer or fitter, then find a coach or counsellor who can help you.  All humans generally hold mindset blocks on some aspect of their lives – for some it may be body image, for others it may be around money or confidence.  These issues can be fixed with the right help.
  10. Remember why you want to get healthier.  Is it so you can run around the park with your kids, or is it so you can feel more energised everyday?  Write down your reasons, maybe on your phone, so you can check in with yourself whenever you are struggling and need a reminder of why these changes are important to you.
  11. Change brings feelings of fear!  We all have these feelings but fear is not a physical danger.  It is just a feeling.  Acknowledge it as a feeling and then take action and put yourself out there.
  12. Overcome your fear of failure!  The best way to do this is to make changes in small, simple steps.  When you master and accomplish one change, you will gain confidence to go on and tackle your next change.  Crash diets and radical changes to your lifestyle usually bring failure which then confirms your fears.  Don’t follow this route.

I hope these tips help you to refocus your motivation to achieve your healthy lifestyle goals.

Which one did YOU need to hear the most today?

Do you need a bit more motivation?  Why not head over to the New Leaf 52 weeks Healthy Motivation Facebook Group where I give you a weekly healthy challenge, a free recipe and lots of tips and ideas to help keep you motivated.  It’s completely free and is a wonderful private group of likeminded (mainly ladies) people all seeking to get healthy.

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7 thoughts on “12 Motivational Tips to help you achieve your healthy goals”

  1. Thanks, Baldwin appreciates it:-) I think partly for your motivation, I bought some weights. What’s more, I’m using them…

    1. I’m so touched you found my article has helped you get motivated with some weights. Keep us all updated on how you get on!

  2. I’m glad you started out by talking about small doable actions. This is my husband’s philosphy too (that I agree with of course). He’s a newly certified health coach and just began his own blog.

    Nice post! Keep it up!

    1. Hi Carol, thank you so much for taking time to read my post. Congratulations to your husband and I hope all goes well with his blog. I truly believe that if we simplify the steps to achieve our goals by incorporating small daily habits, people will find getting healthy much easier and less overwhelming.

  3. Great blog, I found you in Problogger. I especially like #10. In a way I know why, but I never consciously created a list to remind myself when I’m about to drop off the healthy lifestyle. Good luck with your blog!

    1. Hi Tom, thanks for your great comments. I so glad that that some of the tips might help you stay on track with your goals.

    2. P.S. I’ve just checked out your blog – whilst it’s very niche, it’s totally intriguing and thought provoking. Keep up the good work and I love your dog!

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