Meal plans

Ideas and inspiration for your family meal plans

This week’s meal plan and why love and rules can keep you healthy

  Hello Everybody, I hope your January went well.  How are your healthy goals/resolutions going?  You can still join the New Leaf Facebook 52 week healthy motivation camp if you feel you need a bit of free  support to keep you on track.  Every week you get a Monday challenge, weekly recipes and general tips and support in

This week’s meal plan and why love and rules can keep you healthy Read More »

this week's meal plan

This week’s meal plan and my top 10 habits for a healthier life

  Hello Everybody This week I’d like to share with you my Top 10 habits for a healthier life I try to do these everyday: 1. Enjoy and savour your morning coffee Drinking 2-3 cups of coffee per day has been linked to longevity and numerous other health benefits.  Ideally it should be black without

This week’s meal plan and my top 10 habits for a healthier life Read More »

This week’s meal plan and why supermarkets are sabotaging your weight-loss goals and wallet

  Hello Everybody As many of my readers already know, I’m a big fan of online grocery shopping.  This is for a number of reasons:- I hate shopping, It saves me loads of time – I don’t waste time driving to the store, I don’t waste time pushing a trolley round the store, I don’t

This week’s meal plan and why supermarkets are sabotaging your weight-loss goals and wallet Read More »
